Sunday, June 22, 2008

A whole bunch of new photos

I know how to shrink photos now, so here are a bunch of photos from the last week or so. I don't have to wait for Ray to shrink them anymore!

Here is Hilde chewing something she is supposed to chew!!
Ray rigged up this "don't chew the door system" which has turned into a comfy nap spot.

Here is Larry the Lobster. Hilde's go to toy when she is feeling crazy. He also offers us good protection when she is nutty.
Here is Hilde with a new bone I got her in Michigan. Like a nylabone but MUCH sturdier and organic. It is a Zuke's bone I think. See the websites below...
Here is Hilde with her puppy Nylabone... I think she is wondring why I am taking so many pictures.

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