Friday, June 27, 2008

Proof of Hildebeast...

We took the beast to Chuck and Don's this evening as she was out of kibble. The "girls" (really they are) at the store FAWNED over her. She got cookies from every person who worked there. It was pretty funny. She got some dog food and a new chew toy. It is a spongy bone that you freeze and then she can chew. A puppy teether I guess. ANYWAY- we weighed the beast. When we last went to Dr. Goodell she was either 10 or 12 pounds. I can't remember. She is now 17 1/2 pounds!! What the heck!

Also- today we taught Hilde to go down the stairs on her own. She really doesn't like it, but she is willing to do it to get to a kitty... I am not sure teaching her that was a good idea.

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