Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

As promised here are pictures of Hilde's Halloween outfit! She had a great Halloween. She went trick-or-treating at some friend's houses and got some milkbones! She also went to the Halloween bonfire party across the street, which was fun but too much action for her to be good. She was not at all afraid of the kids in costumes. She thought it was great fun.

Here is Hilde's costume... Hawaiian Hilde!!

Hawaiian Hilde side view.

Hawaiian Hilde back view. Isn't she the cutest!!!???

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hilde's first sort of snow

Today it snowed just a little (as of 4 this afternoon). We were hesitant to take Hilde out to play in the falling snow because of her incision, but she hardly even noticed the snow! She tried to chomp a few flakes, but quickly lost interest. I think if it was sticking it would have been more fun.

Here is Hilde going after Cleo the cat who went outside. If you look closely you can see her!

Here is Hilde standing in the yard checking out a few falling flakes.

Here is Hilde chomping some of the flakes.

Wet and snowy Hilde!

Time for Hilde to go in. It is cold out!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hilde's super speedy recovery

Hilde was a bit sleepy this morning, but by lunch time she was up and ready to rumble. When we went outside she stood by my car door and looked at me like, "well?". So we have gone for a few car rides today. Hilde has been chasing kitties, playing with Larry the Lobster and ripping up grass in the yard. I feel like she is too kooky- but I guess she knows how well she feels. I am glad she is feeling better so quickly! It is no fun to see her feeling poorly.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hilde's not so fun day

Today Hilde got spayed. She spent most of the day at the vet. I picked her up around 3 and she was really groggy. Once in my car she threw-up a lot. Luckily I had put some blankets down to cushion her tummy. When she got home I had a hard time getting her out of the car. I think she wanted to stay in the car and sleep. When I got her out she went right into the dining room (room closest to the front door) and went to sleep. She has thrown up twice since she has come home, so no more water for now.

The vet said she did really well and just needs to take it easy over the weekend. Someone will be home with her until Tuesday, so hopefully she is feeling well by then.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The weekly weigh in

According to the scale at Chuck and Don's Hilde is 64.5 pounds this week. Whoa.

Car rides with Hilde

Hilde loves to ride in the car. Today we went to the community farm share to pick-up our chickens for the month. Hilde is getting really long and big so when she sticks her head out the window this is what we see through the passenger window. This is with NO paws out the window. We have a strict head only out the window rule.

Here is Hilde smelling some good country smells.

I like to call this Hilde in the sky.
Here is Hilde waiting for Ray to get in the car. If one of us vacates a front seat she is up there like a shot. She is none too eager to go to the back seat where she rides.

I love this picture. She looks like she is getting such a good sniff.

After lots of sniffs and a long car ride, Hilde sacked out in her puppy hammock in the back seat.
Super Hilde!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween Hilde part one

Here is Hilde with her new Halloween toy. Stay tuned for more Halloween fun!

Hilde update for the week

Autumnal pup.
I have no idea what she is doing here...

Hilde is doing well. She is listening more and generally behaving better. She is maturing very quickly. I think over all she is a pretty mellow dog, which has helped us to train her at a pretty quick rate. This weekend was a busy human week-end, so Hilde didn't get to do too many dog based activities!

Hilde's weekly weigh in

Ray and I took bets this week before we weighed Hilde. I thought 61 pounds, Ray thought 60 pounds. Well Hilde weighs 62 pounds. One of the workers at Chuck and Don's called her "dense". They meant in the muscle way, I hope.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The neglected critters of the house

Believe it or not there are other critters who live in this house. They spend most of their time trying to find ways to avoid Hilde.

Here is Ivan way up high out of harm's way.

Here is Willy in a bag.

New Photos of Hilde

Here are photos of Hilde doing her usual things...

Chewing on her soccer ball in bed.

Chewing on her giant chew stick.

Chewing on her sock monkey.

More chewing on her giant chew stick.

Looking out the window. Not chewing? Wow!

This week's weigh in...

Today at Chuck and Don's, Hilde weighed 59.6 pounds. Holy moley.

Sing along--

What do you do with a giant puppy?

What do you do with a giant puppy?

What do you do with a giant puppy?

Feed her lots of kibble.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hilde's walkies

Every morning Hilde and I go for a walk. Here are some pictures from this morning's walk.

Here is Hilde finding a good sniff...

It is hard to see, but here is Hilde carrying a REALLY big stick. She was quite pleased with her find. She couldn't even close her mouth it was so big.

Here is Hilde on the bridge by our house.

Here is Hilde the crazy. She found a piece of birch bark and is whipping it around.