Sunday, July 26, 2009

This weekend's hike

We are taking Hilde on hikes every weekend these days. It is fun for all. Car rides, sniffs, walkies... What's not to love?

Sometimes it even includes a picnic.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hiking at Taylor's Falls

Today we went hiking with Hilde. We took her to Taylor's Falls which was really, really busy. There were tons of people and tons of doggies. It was a little bit surprising. We hiked about 3 hours. By the end of the hike Hilde was dragging.

Here is Hilde in the woods. So happy!
Here is Hilde cooling off after the hike.

Poor tired puppy conked out after the hike and slept all the way home.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ray insists she is a good girl

Hilde got a new toy from the neighbor. It is a "chuck-it". She is IN LOVE with it! I put it up so she would let it be for a while. Hilde has never, never climbed on the table. Look how carefully she is climbing up to get this ball!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Hilde had such a great 4th of July that one picture or even some uploaded pictures cannot do it justice. She went to the neighborhood parade in the morning. Then we spent the day on the farm. She found about 4 dead things to roll in. Got a bath with the hose. Ate only Hilde knows what. She played with cousin Britta, ran around the fields and pretty much wore herself out.
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Moose dog

Here are the remains of Hilde's third Flexi-leash....
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