As usual things with Hilde have been busy. She graduated from kindergarten on Thursday. Her next class is called "basic manners". I don't think it involves using a napkin... It is more of the same like sit, down, stay and don't jump. It is just for older pups. During kindergarten she lost a tooth. It bled a lot and really freaked me out. All of a sudden she has lost a lot of teeth. I think four or more. It is hard to keep track and I don't know where they go! I bet she has eaten some of them. We weighed Hilde this week-end and she is in the neighborhood of 45 pounds, but the scale at Chuck and Don's was a little wacky. Here are some pictures from Hilde's week:
Hilde likes to lay on the bed with her open mouth resting on her soccer ball. The pressure must help her teeth hurt less.
Here she is again with her soccer teething ball.
Here is Hilde's Kindergarten diploma. You will notice it is a bit wrinkled and messed up. That is because Hilde tried to eat it!
Here is Hilde at Wilder Forest. We go to a farm co-op there to pick up chickens. I thought she would look pretty in the yellow flowers. She did her first sit and stay for the camera! She is getting quite good at stay. (See she is AP puppy!!)
Here is Hilde riding in the back seat. She sat back and put her arm on the arm rest. She rode like this for quite a while!
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